
  Shanghai bojing molecular sieve co.,ltd
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Shanghai BOJ Molecular Sieve Company, a specialized producing enterprise with a total production capacity up to 4000t, produces and sells raw powder and finished product of molecular sieve, According to the advanced technology and standard of molecular sieve , domestic and international, two plants were built, one for raw powder in Zibo ,Shangdong, and another for finished product in Jiangyan, Jiangsu.

To meet the growing demand of domestic and international customers for molecular sieve of high quality. We adopt the up-to-date technology, first-class equipment , qulity-testing system with strictness and all-inclusive service of the application of technology. Our products are extensively applied to the petrochemical, petroleum-refining , freezing and air-insulating glass industry. Now we earn the recognition and praise from our customers, at home and abroad.
We have been winning the approval of customer by means of hiring professional technicians and expetienced managers ;choosing a human-oriented pattern of corporation management and sale tactics obtaining market share at a minute profit ;giving top priority to the response of brand in the market , to get approval of more customers and to promote the domestic market boom . BOJ promises better quality and competitive price of product than those of our opponents . Sincerely, it is our hope that our products will be generating considerable economic profits in favor of you . It is your best choice to believe us . It is no secret that you will find a good trading partner , and so will we .

Technology culture: Research and development of technology is the lifeblood of enterprise, and the quality-testing system the guard.
Human culture : That credit as a banner based on honesty is the principle constantly followed by us.
Management culture: customization ,normalization and systemalization help us achieve the efficient management. Strenthening the vacational training of employees and imparting the idea of working with pleasure to them result in the integration of the value of individual and corporation.

: Sale culture : The interest of our customer are always above our will. Every employee must work with the notion that customers need to be given top priority. Whatever we do must be oriented to gain recognition and praise of customer, for the market-favoring is chosen by the God, that is , our customers.
Service culture : Your requirements will be given full and prompt attention. The service required before and after selling will be certainly guarateed. Especially, any specific problem with product will be resolved , immediately and thoughtfully.

Shanghai Danfan Network Science&Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.