
  Forechem(nantong) technology co.,ltd.
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ForeChem Ltd. is a global supplier for pharmaceutical intermediates, fine chemicals, building blocks, rare compounds,chiral compounds and biochemical reagents which located in Economic& Technological Development Area in Nantong, Jiangsu, P.R.China.
We provide wide range of high quality organics, especially heterocyclic compounds and other pharmaceutical ingredients, including APIS&their intermediates,amino acid&alcohol,derivatives of morpholine,pyridine,pyrimidine,piperidine,benzoquinone,benzimidamide,thiazole,piperazine,pyrroline,indole and other heterocyclic chemicals containing fluorine,nitrogen and sulfur et al.,ranging from grams, kilograms to 100kg and more.
Custom synthesis and contract research are also the part of our significant business, ForeChem provides excellent sevices with high confidentiality and technical strength in this area,meanwhile using our expertise and experience to discover and develop new material, ForeChem also works with research institutes, such as Shanghai Jiaotong University, and East China University of Science and Technology,etc.
By providing high quality products with low price, excellent custom synthesis and contract reserach services, ForeChem is working hard and looking forward to be your forepartner in Chemistry&Biology.

Shanghai Danfan Network Science&Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.