
  Cixi Feilan Non-ferrous Metals Co.,Ltd.
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Established in 1986, Cixi Feilan Non-ferrous Metals Co.,Ltd. is a long term producer and marketer of Co, Ni and related chemical products. It has high brand-name recognition in the nation, with cobalt oxide, its core product, owning about 40% of the domestic market. The newly developed cobalt monoxide project passed the validation process of National Projects under "Xinghuo" Plan in June 2000, and was listed as one of the high-tech projects to be industrialized in the nation. The company is among the top 100 village based chemical enterprise in the nation, and the top chemical firms in Zhejiang province. Currently, there are 458 employees, 116 of whom are technical specialists, 32,220m2 in floorage on a campus measured at 53,700m2, and 160 million yuan in total asset, with 60 million in fixed asset.

At present, the company is establishing the project to produce lithium cobalt oxide, the cathode material for lithium ion battery. At first stage, the annual output will be 500 MT of lithium cobalt oxide; and it will be 1,000 at stage two. The planned production date is in June 2001. The success of this project will reduce the reliance on import for the product for domestic producers of lithium ion battery. In this sense, it will fill a void for the domestic battery industry.

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